Would You Celebrate if You Made $500 Online?
Let me ask you this… if you were to earn $500 from your business opportunity from the world you did ONLINE, would it mean much to you?
Would it prove the concept and show you that you can do it online?
I’m serious…
Would you celebrate it?
Or would you ignore it?
For many of us who’ve been doing this for years and have made a lot…
We probably wouldn’t bat an eyelid anymore.
It would just go into our bank account with all the rest of the commissions.
For someone just getting started…
OR, for someone who’s NEVER made anything before online before…
$500 is HUGE.
And in all reality, it’s PROOF OF CONCEPT.
It shows that “it works”.
It also helps them build belief in themselves that they can do it…
…which in turns allows them to focus more because once you’ve made a few hundred in commissions, you’ll want more.
The first few thousand are really there to prove the concept that you can succeed online.
And actually the first $1000 is the hardest.
Once you’ve done it, it becomes much easier…
All of a sudden YOU BELIEVE!
Now, I’m personally a big believer in celebrating ALL your wins, no matter how small.
- Celebrate the leads you generate.
- Celebrate the people who DM you asking to learn more.
- Celebrate every new customer you gain.
- Celebrate every new signup you bring in.
- Celebrate every new team member who joins.
- And celebrate every pound, dollar or euro you earn
And recognise your progress along the way.
Before you know it, it will become a regular thing and you’ll be hitting the big months like many of the top leaders.
Then $5k, $10k, and more will be a regular occurrence.
This screenshot is from a client of mine who was struggling in his previous company offline.

He came to me to ask for help and ended up hiring me as a his coach / online mentor.
Based on what I taught him… very quickly he started to grow his audience…
>> Very quickly he started to generate qualified leads…
>> Then he started to learn how to turn those leads into signups.
>> And then he started to make $$.
This conversation was when he told me he’d made 1/2 of what he made with his old company in a year, but this time he’d done it in a month.
Now he’s absolutely ON FIRE and is CRUSHING IT!
Exciting times ahead.
To your success,
P.S. If you’d like to learn how to attract a consistent stream of qualified leads & sales to YOU, be sure to complete my 4 Day Attraction Marketing Challenge. It’s powerful and you’ll learn so much you can apply to your business immediately!