Today we’re going to talk about The C.A.S.S. Method for selling in messenger / chat / DM’s.
So, let’s dive in ?
Selling on Social Media is pretty hard isn’t it?
And that’s because there’s just so many people trying to do it.
See, most online entrepreneurs are doing it all wrong…
They’re either trying to promote with their content, or sell to people far too quickly in chat.
And all that does is repel people away and make them nervous!
See, nobody wants to be sold to… yet everybody loves to buy. Especially when it’s their idea in the first place.
So, if you’re trying to make sales through messenger or direct messages.
You need to take your leads and prospects through a simple 4 stage framework.
And I call it The C.A.S.S. Method.
Connect, Ask, Solve, Sell.
- Connect with your prospect
- Ask some questions to find out what their problems and challenges are
- Solve their symptom but not their problem
- Sell the solution to their problem
That is it.
This is the exact process I’ve used to generate hundreds of thousands of $$ through messenger and enrol over 1000 people into multiple opportunities.
If you’d like to learn more about my C.A.S.S. Method, be sure to watch my (LIVE) Selling With Chat – A Simple 4 Stage Process training I recently did.