(LIVE) The 5 Stages From Social Media Content to Sale

In this week’s live training I’m going to share with you the 5 stages most people go through on social media before they turn from a content consumer into sale.
The big problem most home business owners have is that they think that just because they’ve had THOUSANDS of views on their content that they are somehow going to get sales.
And sadly… that rarely happens.
Viewers DO NOT equal sales.
See, there’s a 5 stage process people need to go through before they go from a passive viewer / consumer of your content to actually pulling out their wallet and spending money with you.
And if you want to make sales or get more signups on social media then you absolutely NEED TO KNOW this process to avoid disappointment
Watch the “From Social Media Content to Sale” Training (09:23)
<<This video is an edited version of a previous Facebook Live training I did. We’ve edited it down to remove any fluff. Please note that because this was a LIVE video, sometimes the video goes out of sync or slows down.>>
Key Moments In This Episode
- 0:00 – Intro & Summary
- 1:28 – Stage #1: Viewer
- 2:13 – Stage #2: Engager
- 3:08 – Stage #3: Follower
- 4:46 – Stage #4: Lead
- 8:10 – Stage #5: Sale
So, to summarise what’s in this training, let’s break this down into the FIVE (5) stages.
Stage #1: Viewer
First, somebody watches or consumes your content on social media.
Stage #2: Engager
If they enjoy your content they will engage with it by liking, commenting or sharing.
Stage #3: Follower
If they want to see more, they will follow you. (Now you’re building an audience.)
Stage #4: Lead
Next, it’s your turn. Start a conversation with them in messenger & turn them into a red hot lead.
Stage #5: Sale
Finally, uncover their pains, problems and challenges & position your product, service or opportunity as a solution.
That’s it!
Viewer > Engager > Follower > Lead > Sale.
Here’s An Info Graphic to Help You Remember This…

So now you’ll know the reason why if you’re getting a ton of viewers but no sales… 🙂
Remember, your content helps you achieve your first aim of getting people to view your content, creating engagement and helping you gain more followers.
But the next part of the process (getting the leads and sales) is something YOU need to go out and do yourself.
You should use Active Prospecting to achieve that.
Remember, this is a journey and we’re with you every step of the way…
~ Gavin Mountford & The Networking Superstars
P.S. If this post has been helpful, you are welcome to SHARE this on Social Media, with a team member or somebody who would benefit.
P.P.S. Feel free to leave me a comment below so I know you’ve seen it and it’s helped you 🙂 I know commenting on Blogs may seem a bit weird but it’s a really great way for other people to see your name and comments later.