How-To Analyse Your Writing Style With ChatGPT (FREE Prompt)

So, a few weeks ago I created a prompt for ChatGPT to analyse my writing style and unique voice so I could get it to write in my style.
I grabbed one of my pieces of written content, copied it and then inserted it in the bit at the bottom that says “TEXT”.
Then ChatGPT went away and analysed my writing.
I can now ask it to write in my unique style 🙂
Here’s The Prompt
This was the prompt I created and used:
Act as a marketing expert who specialises in analysing human emotions and linguistics. Your first task is to analyse the TEXT and extract the tone, the writing style, the cadence of the text, the structure of the text and any other helpful information you can take away from it. Once you have analyzed it, use your findings about TEXT to create a highly detailed summary of the structure of the text, structure of the sentences, length of sentences, cadence, writing style, tone, emotion, voice and intensity you’ve discovered when analysing TEXT.
TEXT: (Then you add in your own unique text which you have written)
This is a pretty powerful prompt.
And this is the report it sent back to me…

Woah, how cool is that?
This IS my writing style to a tee…
The summary it gave me at the end which is not in the image above was…
The text is a motivational monologue directed at readers who are struggling to achieve success in their online business endeavors. The author utilizes a conversational writing style, employing a mix of short and long sentences to create varying cadence and intensity. The overall tone is empathetic, validating the reader’s struggles and frustrations before introducing a vision of potential success and freedom. The author also uses repetition, rhetorical questions, and strong, emotionally charged language to build a sense of urgency and inspire action. The text is structured into three main sections: acknowledging struggles, imagining success, and a final, motivational push. Through the course of the text, the author invokes a wide range of emotions, taking the reader on an emotional journey designed to inspire resilience and persistence.
That’s exactly how I write 🙂
I use repetition, rhetorical questions, and strong, emotionally charged language to build a sense of urgency and inspire action.
So, have a go with this prompt yourself to create a report for your own voice so you can create content quickly as if it’s been written by you.
Not Started to Use ChatGPT Yet?
I’m not sure if you’ve started to take a look at AI and ChatGPT yet?
If not, it’s ok… but it would be a good idea to start learning this ASAP.
Spend 30 minutes per day if you can learning the skill.
(I have a great training I created a few weeks ago to help you get started…
You can watch the ChatGPT 101: A Beginners Guide for Network Marketers here
AI and ChatGPT are gaining momentum quickly I’ve decided to create an AI section here on this blog.
Tell Us Your Thoughts in The Comments Below
If you’ve already used ChatGPT, it would be great to have a discussion in the comments section below.
Tell us the prompts you’ve used and your experiences.
Did ChatGPT work as you expected? Was it more complicated than you thought? Or did you find exactly what you wanted quickly?
Also, how else can you see yourself using ChatGPT to help you grow your business?
You Are Welcome to Share This Article & Prompt
If you know anyone who you feel would benefit from learning ChatGPT to help grow their network marketing business, you are welcome to share the link with them. ?
To your success!
~ Gavin Mountford & The Networking Superstars