(LIVE) The “Good, Better, Best” Goal Setting Strategy for Online Network Marketers

In this week’s live training I’m going to show you a simple “Good, Better, Best” goal setting strategy I teach all my clients, which when you use it will help you hit goals in three core areas of building your business online:
- Growing a bigger audience.
- Generating more leads.
- Enrolling more customers, clients or team members.
Now, it’s no secret that most online network marketers rarely hit their goals.
And that’s usually because they set goals that are far too big for their experience level, and as a result they fail miserably and make very little progress.
This goal setting system encourages you to set smaller goals which you can absolutely SMASH, which in turn will help build your confidence so you can achieve bigger goals next time.
So, if you’d like to:
- Build your audience by up to an extra 500 targeted people.
- Generate up to 300 qualified leads.
- And enrol up to 10 new customers, team members or clients.
- In the next 12 weeks…
Then be sure to follow this process.
Watch the “Good, Better, Best Goal Setting Strategy” Training (11:37)
<<This video is an edited version of a previous Facebook Live training I did. We’ve edited it down to remove any fluff. Please note that because this was a LIVE video, sometimes the video goes out of sync or slows down.>>
So, What Are Good, Better, Best Goals?
When creating your goals, it’s a good idea to set yourself 3 goals of varying difficulties.
A “Good” goal that you’d really like to achieve.
A “Better” goal that would require more effort and would be even better than your good goal.
And a “Best” goal that would be a S-T-R-E-T-C-H goal and would require maximum effort.
I recommend you set yourself numbers for all 3 of these goals and then focus on achieving your “Best” goal.
Even if you miss your best goal, you’ll still do very well!
Now, also…
The key with goal setting is to break down your 12 week goals into smaller more manageable goals such as monthly and weekly goals so you can see how easy they are to achieve.
Then, break them down even further so you have daily targets to aim for and a daily method of operation (DMO) for hitting your goals.
Here’s The Sketch from The Live Training
These are the numbers I wrote down in the live training video above. I’ wanted to give it to you I’m giving you the image here also, to make sure you can see the numbers easily to write them down yourself.

Here’s How to Break Down Your “Best” Goal
So, let’s take the “Best” Goal example I gave you above, and let’s break down the numbers so you have a specific target for what to aim for each day.
In the training I’d said that your Best Goal might look like:
- Build your audience by 500 people.
- Generate 300 leads.
- Get 10 sales.
So if we were to break down the numbers, here’s what you get:
Build Your Audience by 500 Targeted Prospects
500 divided by 12 weeks = 42 (Rounded up).
So that’s just 42 new people you need to add to your audience each week.
Now, to break that down even further… divide 42 by the number of days you want to do this. For this example I’m going to choose 7 days.
That’s 42 divided by 7 = 6.
So that’s just 6 new people you need to add to your audience each day to hit your goal of 500 by the end of 12 weeks 🙂
Generate 300 Leads
Now, let’s look at your “Best” leads goal for the 12 weeks.
300 divided by 12 weeks = 25
So that’s just 25 new leads you need to generate each week.
Now, to break that down even further… divide 25 by the number of days you want to do this. For this example I’m going to choose 7 days.
That’s 25 divided by 7 = 4 (Rounded up)
So that’s just 4 new qualified leads you need to generate each day.
Get 10 Sales
Finally, let’s look at your sales goal of 10 customers, clients or team members depending on your business model and where your focus is.
10 divided by 12 = 1 (Rounded up)
So that’s just 1 new sale / signup per week.
Well, you can’t break that down any further so aim to get sales every day but as long as you get at least ONE (1) sale each week, you’ll hit your sales goals.
What Do You Think?
As always… I’ve LOVE to hear your thoughts on this. Do you think this is achievable for you? And is this something you’re going to aim for?
Let me know in the comments below.
You Are Welcome to Share This
If you know anyone who you feel would benefit from this free training, you are welcome to share the link with them or invite them to watch the training 🙂
To your success!
~ Gavin Mountford & The Networking Superstars
I think these are achievable goals. I just need to find focus time to get it done. My goal is to have at least 4 new enrollments for April. I want to attend covention with some advancements.I am also happy to share the link with others.