
Discover, Decide, Design

Imagine how you’d feel if someone gave you 10 different boxes with 10 different jigsaw puzzles containing 100 different pieces each.

They then opened up each of the boxes, tipped them all over the floor and kicked the pieces around the room before removing the boxes so you couldn’t see what they’re supposed to look like.

Finally, they tell you to build ONE of the jigsaw puzzles and get rid of the rest.

How would you do it?

You’d have 1000 pieces all over the floor.

You wouldn’t have the boxes to see what you were supposed to be building.

The pieces would be all jumbled up…

And more than likely some of the pieces would be missing.

Sounds very similar to online network marketing doesn’t it?

Tens of thousands of different business opportunities available…

Thousands of different software, apps and systems…

Thousands of different coaches, mentors and uplines you could work with to help you succeed…

Hundreds of different platforms to build on…

Dozens of different strategies to get leads and sales…

So many choices and options.

So many moving parts.

So many pieces to the puzzle.

Incredibly overwhelming, confusing and frustrating… especially in your first few years.

So, what strategy would you use to gather all 1000 pieces from all the puzzles to create the ONE puzzle that would lead to your success?

For me I’d use a process called…

Discover, Decide, Design

Firstly I’d aim to DISCOVER all the pieces from around the room and make sure I had as many of the pieces as possible.

Then I’d slowly figure out which pieces belonged to which jigsaw puzzle and I’d create new pile for each jigsaw puzzle

During that process I’d make some mistakes.

Sometimes I’d put the wrong pieces in the wrong piles…

And I’d experiment.

Then once I had my 10 piles for the different jigsaws, I’d DECIDE which puzzle I was going to focus on and build.

I’d then eliminate the other 900 pieces and would start to put the 100 pieces of the puzzle together.

If I could obtain a picture of what the puzzle was meant to look like, I would 🙂

Finally I’d DESIGN and build the jigsaw puzzle.

I’d find the corners and edges and slowly begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together until I’d succeeded.

And that’s the exact 3 step process I used to succeed with online network marketing.

When I first got started:

I DISCOVERED and learned as much as I could, as quickly as I could with free and low cost trainings, videos, webinars, articles and more.

Next, I DECIDED I was going to stop dabbling and fully commit and go all in. I found a coach, invested in myself and my business education and got serious and focused.

Finally, with help from my coach… we DESIGNED a social media strategy that worked for me that I could use around my existing commitments.

A strategy that allowed me to build an audience, attract leads, make daily sales & earn a significant income.


So, let’s dive in to each step in turn:


When you first get started learning online marketing you should aim to figure out the landscape first.

Dabble a little…

Look around…

DISCOVER your options…

Try different opportunities…

Test different systems…

Try different software…

Follow different people…

Learn from as many free videos and blog posts as you can to gain an understanding of the basics…

And, invest in a number of low priced training programs to help you figure things out faster.

By doing this you are essentially taking everything in and figuring out the BIG PICTURE.

Grab a notebook and take notes.

Start to figure out how the different pieces all fit together.

This is called DIVERGENT thinking 🙂

Wikipedia says this:

Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. It typically occurs in a spontaneous, free-flowing, “non-linear” manner, such that many ideas are generated in an emergent cognitive fashion.

Then once you have as much information as possible, it’s time to commit fully and go all in.


Next, it’s time for you to make a DECISION.

Are you going to continue to be a DABBLER or are you going to fully commit to your journey to freedom?

To become a fully fledged Networking Superstar?

To Rise Up and become the best version of yourself…

To build a business you can feel proud of…

One that inspires, empowers and impacts tens of thousands of people…

And one that puts a lot of money in your pocket 🙂

A business that gives you freedom to do the things you want to do, with whom you want to do them with, when you want to do them.

Watching free trainings, webinars, videos, blog posts, articles etc are only going to teach you the basics at a surface level.

In order to succeed, you really need to go deeper.

Find a coach, guide, mentor or upline you resonate with the most and find a way to work with them.

Become active in their community and reach out to them…

If you can, book a call with them…

And find a way to hire them, get coaching from them and learn their system and method in detail 🙂

If you have to cut back on your TV subscriptions and other unnecessary expenses, DO IT.

Do whatever it takes to work with them.

Then FOCUS 100%.

Eliminate all distractions…

Shut out all the noise…

And put your blinkers on!


Once you have the basics in place, have a reasonable understanding of the foundations and you’ve decided to commit fully…

It’s then time to DESIGN a Social Media Strategy that works for you…

Pulling all the pieces of the puzzle together and putting them in a sequence and daily method of operation that supports your dream lifestyle and helps you create financial and time freedom 🙂

A system that includes:

  • Content creation…
  • Audience building…
  • Lead generation…
  • Messenger conversations…
  • Automation…
  • Multiple streams of income…
  • And more.

In order to achieve this, you’ll need to:

  • Focus on ONE primary offer (business / product line or opportunity.
  • Focus on ONE target market for your business.
  • Focus on ONE sales system that converts those perfect prospects into customers and team members.
  • Focus on ONE platform to build an audience and get very good at it so you have people coming to you on a regular basis.
  • Choose ONE coach, guide, mentor or upline to help guide you with their process.
  • And focus on all of the above for at least ONE YEAR.


Set your goals…

Visualise your success…

Get uncomfortable…


Implement everything you learn…

Make mistakes…

Learn from your mistakes…

Get better…

And show up every single day to CRUSH IT in your business.

By doing this you are narrowing down your options into a process and system that works for you.

This is called CONVERGENT thinking 🙂

Convergent thinking focuses on finding the single, correct solution to any problem by following defined, logical steps. With convergent thinking, answers are either right or wrong, with zero ambiguity. Through convergent thinking, you can narrow down large numbers of possible solutions by logically analyzing all options and comparing each possibility against real-world constraints and established criteria.

To Wrap Up

DISCOVER and learn as much as you can, as quickly as you can with free and low cost trainings, videos, webinars, articles and more.

DECIDE you are going to fully commit and go all in. Find a coach, guide, mentor or upline and invest in yourself and your education. Get serious and focused.

DESIGN a social media strategy that works for you, around your existing commitments. A strategy that allows you to build an audience, attract leads, make more sales & earn a significant income.

One size doesn’t fit all.

There are many “systems” out there that work for other people but won’t necessarily work for you.

So get an understanding of the big picture first…

Then figure out a way to fit the pieces of the puzzle together…

And design your own system that works for you 🙂

I truly hope this helps you get an understanding of how to approach online network marketing 🙂

It truly is like a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle.

Our goal here at is to help you see the big picture of online network marketing…

To help you find the pieces you may have missing…

And to explain how they all fit together.

To simplify the process for you 🙂

Then once you have all the pieces, we’ll help you put them in the right order and sequence to create a strategy that works for you 🙂

Your Turn

Do you find online network marketing confusing?

Do you wish you had a picture so you knew exactly what you were doing?

Do you find all the systems, software, tools, apps and strategies overwhelming sometimes?

As always I’ve love to get your thoughts on this… ???

You Are Welcome to Share This

If you know anyone who could benefit from learning these ideas to help them grow their business online faster, you are welcome to share this with your friends, team mates, colleagues, customers or anyone else you feel might benefit.

Gavin Mountford

Gavin Mountford is a dedicated Social Media Sales Strategist and Mentor with over 20 years of experience helping home business owners and online entrepreneurs, simplify their social media sales processes. He believes in the power of building strong connections and taking consistent, focused action to achieve lasting success. Through his framework, The Social Sales Success Machine, Gavin empowers his clients to Build, Attract, Nurture, and Convert quality leads into loyal customers, clients and team members. His mission is to inspire others to overcome overwhelm and build self-belief through achievable goals. When he's not coaching or creating content, Gavin enjoys spending quality time with his family and finding new ways to simplify life and business.

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