(Read) 3 Reasons Why You’re Not Hitting Your Network Marketing Goals
So, what would it mean to you if you could build an audience of an extra 500 targeted followers, generate 300 qualified leads and gain 10 new customers or team members in the next 12 weeks.
What would that do for you?
What would that do for your business and income?
What would that do for your belief and self confidence in yourself?
Knowing you could set and hit incremental goals to grow your business and absolutely SMASH them out of the water.
It would be a huge boost wouldn’t it?
The confidence you’d gain as a result of hitting this goal would catapult you to success… much, much faster than ever before.
Then you just repeat the process over and over again, teaching it to your team and gaining massive duplication.
As an online network marketer…
One of The BIGGEST Problems You’re Up Against is That You May be Setting Yourself Goals That Are Just Far Too Big in The Short Term
Aiming for the big bucks and ranks before you’ve even made a sale.
And The Reason For That Problem is Because of THREE (3) Things:
- Hype.
- Comparison to others.
- Unrealistic expectations.
And really, it’s not your fault.
See, the industry is full of gigantic income claims and marketers over promising and under delivering. Often promising you the world and setting you up for massive failure.
It’s easy to compare yourself to others online or in your company and trying to achieve what they’ve achieved in a fraction of the time with a fraction of the resources.
And making the mistake of setting a goal to make $10k per month, or $100,000 in the next 12 months before you’ve ever signed up a single customer or team member.
And I totally get it…
It’s Easy to Fall for The Hype!
It’s easy to compare yourself to others.
And it’s easy to have unrealistic expectations, especially when so many people are over promising what’s possible in the time frame you have available.
But, if you keep making these 3 mistakes over and over again…
Falling for the hype.
Jumping from shiny object to shiny object…
And getting swallowed up in the excitement of pre launches, company promotions and big money.
If you keep comparing yourself to others who are doing better than you on social media…
And if you continue to set your goals based on other people results and experiences and not your own…
Then sadly, you’re going to get the same results you have been and continue to struggle for many years to come.
And I Really Don’t Want to See That Happen to You…
I’ve been there myself and it’s really not much fun.
>> Often feeling unfulfilled because you’re not achieving your full potential.
>> Frustrated because you’re not making the kind of money you know you should be.
>> And annoyed at yourself because you’re nowhere near where you feel you should be after all this time of trying.
I mean, why can’t you make this this work?
And what’s wrong with you?
Well… to be honest NOTHING is wrong with you. You’ve just learned some strategies that don’t work.
And more than likely don’t want to look back in a few years time and still be in the same situation do you?
Falling for the same old lies…
Still jumping from opportunity to opportunity…
Buying more courses and never finishing them…
And struggling to make it work.
So, What’s The Solution To All This?
The key with goal setting is to set yourself smaller goals in the short term. Goals that are more realistic and more achievable.
Goals that you CAN actually control rather than goals you can’t.
And goals that you can turn into a daily plan of action and then break them down into smaller bite sized chunks.
So, let’s take the goal we talked about at the start of this post:
- Build your audience by an extra 500 targeted followers,
- Generate 300 qualified leads,
- Gain 10 new customers, clients or team members,
- In the next 12 weeks.
Now You Have Something That’s ACHIEVABLE.
Then you break it down into a simple Daily Method of Operation (DMO) and repeat it every single day.
>> To build an audience of 500 new targeted followers, all you need to do is to increase your followers by 5 or 6 people per day for 12 weeks .
And you can use Active Prospecting or Attraction Marketing to achieve that.
(Learn more about Active Prospecting & Attraction Marketing here.)
>> To generate 300 qualified leads, all you need to do is take those people through a simple process in messenger and warm them up. (Use my C.A.S.S. Method for example).
>> To get your 10 customers, clients or team members you invite them to take a look at your product, service or opportunity or create yourself an Irresistible Offer to attract them…
A simple daily method of operation with a few carefully selected goals that are easily achievable in the time frame you’ve given yourself.
And all of a sudden your goal has turned from a WISH into a PLAN… and you know exactly what to do every single day to make it happen ?
So, if you’re currently feeling like you’re stuck on a hamster wheel going round and round in circles, seeing other people having success and wishing it was you and really fed up with feeling like a failure in your business…
I want you to know that there is a SOLUTION.
There is a process…
You Can 100% Do This!
We here at Networking Superstars have got your back.
We are rooting for you!
We are celebrating your wins…
We are loving your effort…
We admire your tenacity and perseverance…
And we know you are going to succeed ?
To your success!
Remember, this is a journey and we’re with you every step of the way…
~ Gavin Mountford & The Networking Superstars
P.S. If this post has been helpful, you are welcome to SHARE this on Social Media, with a team member or somebody who would benefit.
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